Ready to take self-care to a whole new level?
Are you looking for ways to improve your intuitive skills?
This is the place!
Clearing 1001 Beliefs
This is so exciting! My former teacher, Terry O’Connell, researched long and hard to come up with over 24,000 clearing processes and statements covering a wide range of topics that are common to most of us. I am very pleased to share her Belieflets® offering. Below are the topics covered. Be sure to sign up for the InJoy Newsletter to keep up with the topics as they are presented.
“All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in great avalanches of abundance, under grace in miraculous ways.” —Florence Scovel Shinn
1001 Beliefs
About Money & Success
Ready? Of course, you are. We all are. We are so done with belief limits, life limits, and option limits.
It is time for something better.
Simple and clear, this process opens the door to greater financial, emotional, and mental freedom, increasing our sense of Well-Being and choice.
Available as a Zoom workshop divided over 3 days.
Next available series: June 27, 28, 29. Choose the 9:00 AM or the 5:00 PM workshop (all times are Pacific Time). Each day’s session will run approximately 2 hours. Recorded versions will be available within 24 hours if you are unable to attend the live event.
Price: usually $225, see the note regarding the Happy Money Discount.
Happy Money Discount
Limited Time
Beta Offer
I have a few bugs to work out in this new online process. Therefore, the first 5 people to reserve their spot will receive a $100 Happy Money Discount: all 3 Days of
1001 Beliefs about Money and Success
for only $125!
Use coupon code HAPPY$ when registering.
Future 1001 Belieflets® Workshops
Belieflets® Set #1: The Foundational Series - 1001 Beliefs About:
Money & Success
Love & Relationships
Healing & Energy
Body & FoodBelieflets® Set #2: The Self-Expression Series - 1001 Beliefs About:
Voice & Speaking
Teaching & Learning
the Six SensesBelieflets® Set #3 – The Home & Family Series - 1001 Beliefs About:
TravelBelieflets® Set #4: The Stages of Life Series - 1001 Beliefs About:
Babies & Children
AgingBelieflets® Set #5: The Arts Series - 1001 Beliefs About:
Writing & Writers
Art & Artists
Acting & Actors
Music & Musicians)Belieflets® Set #6: The Business Series - 1001 Beliefs About:
The Business of Healing
Working for Yourself & Working for Others
Multi-Level Marketing
Intuitive Energy Healing Techniques & Reiki Certification
Introduction to Intuitive Energy Healing & Level 1 Reiki Certification
Discover and uncover your Intuitive skills.
This 3-day class is the first of three in the
Intuitive Energy Healing & Reiki Certification Workshop series.
This 3-day class provides an introduction to the basics of Intuitive Energy Healing techniques through several complementary modalities. Some of the topics covered include Energy Testing, Auric Cleansing, Soul Fragment Healing, and more, as well as an overview of several Energy Healing Modalities, such as EFT, GAMMA Balancing, ThetaHealing, and others. Beginning with Meditation practices, the class learns the process of Grounding and Centering, followed by exploring the Chakra system. Students become familiar with their own “energy signature,” and gain the skills to recognize the power of these incredible energy centers and their ability to utilize them consciously. Class members are prepared to receive their Level 1 Reiki Attunement on the final day of class.
Currently, In-Person Classes are being held in Poulsbo, WA. The exact location is listed in a confirmation email upon registration.
The chakras are specialized energy centers which connect us to the multidimensional universe. The chakras are dimensional portals within the subtle bodies which take in and process energy of higher vibrational nature so that it may be properly assimilated and used to transform the physical body. —Richard Gerber
Upcoming Dates 2022
To Be Determined
“Some people cannot be cured, but everyone can heal.”
Intermediate Intuitive Energy Healing & Level 2 Reiki Certification
Expand your knowledge base,
refine your skillset.
This 3-day class is the second of three in the
Intuitive Energy Healing & ReikiCertificationn Workshop series
“Learning Reiki is one of the most liberating and empowering things you will ever do for yourself.”
― Sarah Parker Thomas, Spiritual Reiki: Channel Your Intuitive Abilities for Energy Healing
Upcoming Dates 2022
Advanced Intuitive Energy Healing & Level 3 Reiki Certification
Align your intention
and set it all in motion.
This 3-day class is the third of three in the
Intuitive Energy Healing & Reiki Certification Workshop series.
“Everything is energy and energy travels; it is not constrained by physical space or time. Just because it CAN NOT be seen, does not mean it is not real. We CAN NOT see electricity, yet can turn on lights at will. Reiki is like turning on the light of healing that exists in all of us; it is a beautiful energy that turns on the light of healing to promote relaxation and wellness!”
― Jeanmarie Wilson
Upcoming Dates 2022
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” —Vivian Greene
Intuitive Hypnosis Group Event
Guided Meditation & Chakra Clearing
Begin this event with a Guided Meditation
This journey of Light grounds and centers, clears and energizes the chakras, as well as soothes tired and frazzled nerves, leaving you refreshed, inspired, and prepared to create the process again for yourself, whenever the need to get away arises.
Pre-Birth Healing
Get a fresh start!
Energetically travel back in time to the point of your own conception and birth, releasing fears, addictions, self esteem issues, and traumas, This process elevates the frequency of your birth and childhood, reformatting the energy to be more wholesome, loving, supportive, and nurtured.
Soul Fragment Healing
Release and Reclaim
Whenever we experience an emotionally charged event we pick up energies from those who were a part of that experience, as well as leave bits of our own energy behind. In this transformative process, old energies and psychic debris are released before reclaiming and purifying your own energy that mistakenly went astray. The last step of this process is to re-integrate your energies in pure, unconditional Love and Light.
Meet Your Inner Being
Connecting to Who You Really Are
In this final stage of your Journey, you will meet the essence of your own Inner Being or Divine Self. You will be able to ask for and receive guidance for your life and relationships as well as insights regarding current and future choices. Once this soul-level meeting is concluded, you will be guided in a closing meditation to again travel the streams of energy and Light, re-emerging nicely centered in your own mind and body, rejuvenated and renewed.
”Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.” – Rachel Naomi Remen
Details & Information
Intuitive Hypnosis Group Event Pricing:
$65 per participant due two weeks before the scheduled event. Minimum 5 / maximum 10 participants.
Event Information:
Plan for approximately 2.5 hours with a 15-minute snack & restroom break halfway through.
Please have water available.
Additional Information:
Each participant is eligible for a $15 discount towards an individual Intuitive Hypnosis Session when booked and paid for at the event.
Must be fulfilled within 6 months of the event.
This Event can be created in an online format via Zoom! Ask me how!
Terms and conditions apply. Cash & Venmo accepted.
Contact me to schedule an event for your group!
“Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.”
Celtic symbol
for Strength